Researchers Reveal Genetic Link to Divorce Risk

Children whose parents are divorced run an increased risk of divorce themselves compared to children whose parents remained married, and genetic factors are primarily to blame, new research has found. The study, by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and Lund University in Sweden, set out to answer the question “Why does divorce run in…

Divorcing Couples Warned About Dangers of Social Media

Couples who are considering obtaining a divorce and those who have begun proceedings have been warned about the dangers of using social media when separating. Regardless of privacy settings, Consensus Collaboration Scotland, a network that promotes divorce and separation with minimum conflict, has stated that couples should take a break from social media and should…

Why Are Prenuptial Agreements a Good Idea in 2016?

Many people believe that a prenuptial agreement can result in a marriage failing, yet the contracts can prove exceptionally beneficial during a marriage or the breakdown of a relationship offering security when the law does not.   Prenuptial Agreements have been part of the Scottish legal system for hundreds of years, yet there remains a…