Joshua Henderson

Josh Henderson – Photo 21
Joshua Henderson - Administrator

Name: Joshua Henderson
Role: Cash/Admin support

What is the favourite part of your role? Seeing the money side of the business and actually having an impact on how well the business does.

What do you like most about working for Simplicity Legal? The work culture, is something I have never seen and extremely happy working in such an environment

What skills do you find most useful in doing your role? Quick mental arithmetic is useful for invoices and the ability to concentrate for an extended period of time as you get many tasks to do a day and it’s easy to get sidetracked.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday? Dubai

What is your proudest achievement? Bench pressing 140kg

What do you enjoy doing when not working? Gym, Video games and rugby/football

How would your team colleagues describe you? Smart, Dedicated, Fun but serious when I need to be, very good looking and hard working.

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